That moment when you start rooting for a rookie group and see a promising future from them. when you see less people internationally pay attention to them compared to 'another' just bcs theyre from smaller company. and finally when you feel you should take part to make them recognizable at least in your country but you cant do a thing not bcs youre not able to but its more like you dont have the quality supporting you. speed data connection, language, money -well its everyone's problem tho, and most important of all, time. If only ive met all the requirements above i would gladly join the others to help them reach of what they called a mission which is conquering the earth.
People might say you should or at least can go along from the small part out of all you probably recently have. its easier said than done tbvh. do you think i havent tried those in another group. i have. but it took me no where lol doesnt help at all.
Or maybe i should just watch them silently like i usually do to the other two groups so far? or should i put more efforts?
People may have been questioning why im so much into these kind of things? believe me, there was a time too when i was asking myself the same question. how long will i be dragged into this world? at what age may i be entirely giving up the whole thing? tried to answer but nothing came.
Is there even an answer related to something/someone people like or not, or to be exact even if its someone's hobby or passion? its just like someone's prerogatives. you cant do a thing unless the person itself decide whats best.
One thing for sure, i promised myself to take this slowly. most important is im enjoying myself, my time, your argument is invalid.
ohk ive gone too far. i forget reason why i wrote this post lol. i supposed to write about BAP tho, im waiting for the day i might write about them later ^^ whats the name of the game? BAP!
selfnote: oh god its been 2 years ive been dealing with THIS like everyday in daily use yet mine only improving THIS much im weeping ;~; ㅋ someday this blog will turn out to be my personal diary rather than a sharing-contents if this continues ㅋㅋ take a note, me.
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